How to Increase Combat Skill Cap in Albion Online

upalbion Date: Jul/16/16 14:21:26 Views: 1548

Hey all, will try to keep this one concise again.




I am sitting here eagerly waiting to see if this problem is going to be addressed a little more in the next patch, so fingers crossed!

In my experience of Albion combat, the main problem is the huge lack of counter-play on many of the weapons. 'Counter-play' meaning the options a player can take in order to out play their opponent, rather than just relying on raw damage and tankiness alone.

For example-
-skillshots can be dodged
-channels and cast times can be interrupted
-stacks can be timed out
-short range attackers can be kited (sadly this is only really effective on the bow line at the moment) #nerfhunterjacket

All of these things promote healthy game-play as they reward players for their reaction time, movement and wise use of skills, thus making combat more than just who has the strongest weapon.

How to Increase Combat Skill Cap in Albion Online

When looking at which weapons are considered the most 'overpowered' at the moment, i would argue that the issue is less so to do with the raw stats/ numbers and more to do with the lack of viable counterplay options one can take.

For example-
-The Halberd

When fighting against halberd, a player has pretty much no options to outplay it other than to outdamage it or tank it. this is because almost none of the things listed above can be used against it. due to its instant root with no cast time and no requirement to land a skillshot, its unkitability due to its long range and its speed.

Runner up would be the claymore as it is also insanely hard to kite due to its speed and non-skillshot, instant gap closer and root on its e..

I could go on for days but you get the idea.i guess the main thing im trying to say is i hope that the currently OP stuff doesnt just get nerfed numbers-wise, and instead the dev's think more about actual gameplay.

Again, fingers crossed!