Make Gathering a Small Group Activity in Albion Online

upalbion Date: Sep/05/16 14:42:55 Views: 1428

I have played Albion for a long time and I have some suggestions for the game, I think this would help improve the game and activity out in the world as well as open world fights tremendously...




So here's my suggestion...

Vanguard: Saga of Heroes, which had an open world FFA PVP server ran this system and I think it could work in Albion. I would like harvesting to become a small group activity, because the social aspect will help make harvesting a little bit more fun and this idea will also help the Devs reduce the amount of balancing they will have to do to help gatherers because you can do it in a small group.

Say we have Player 1 who we will call Sickle6
Because he can harvest T6 fiber
We also have Player who we will call Sickle2
Because he can only harvest T2 fiber
Lastly we have Player 3 who we will call Lumberjack6
Because he can harvest T6 wood but can't harvest past T1 fiber by himself.

In this suggested system, if Sickle6, Sickle2, and Lumberjack6 are in the same group they can harvest the highest resource that each individual can harvest BUT they all have to be on the same node and carry the right tools.

So when Sickle6, Sickle2, and Lumberjack6 all start harvesting that T6 fiber, they all get a little bit of T6 fiber but Sickle6 gets more because he's specialized in it. (I would also consider limiting the rares to ONLY people who are spec'd in that specific tree.) So if Sickle6, Sickle2, and Lumberjack6 are harvesting a T6.3 fiber Sickle2 and Lumberjack6 will only get a small amount of T6 fiber and Sickle6 will get the rare and maybe a bonus rare for doing it with a group instead of solo. This also means that the same group of people could harvest T6 Trees IF they all had T6 wood axes because Lumbderjack6 can harvest T6 trees.

Yes this idea will put more resources into the market, but it will also increase the amount of small groups out roaming the world which is great for open world PVP and with more fights, people will trash more gear to make up for the new resources.

Some things to consider:
Should Sickle2 and Lumberjack6 get fame for harvesting it?
I think yes, what is your opinion?
Should their be a cap on the amount of people that can be on the node/in group?
I think 3 would be a good number, my guildy suggested that you put a cap on how much can be gathered from the node so it doesn't matter how many people you have, but I think this may encourage zerging.
Should Sickle2 and Lumberjack6 get rares?
I don't think so, I think the biggest reward should be for the person who can actually harvest that resource alone
Should each person be required to carry the appropriate tool/tier?
I think they absolutely should, even if you can't use it by yourself, you should be able to use it if you're grouped with someone and on the same node as someone that CAN use it

My reasoning behind this change is to encourage smaller groups to be out doing things together, this would provide an incentive to have people roaming in smaller groups and be out looking for resources. This would also make gathering a group activity instead of a lone solo one, while soloing will still be possible, it will bring more people out of the city and into the world. I don't like gathering very much myself because I don't get to do it with my guild, I think if a system like this were implemented it would get me to go out and harvest more with my friends and the rewards would actually encourage it. Harvesting is SOOOO boring and I think this would add just enough to make it fun with the social aspect and the risk/reward of running into another small group of 3~ would get me out in the world doing it more while bringing me closer to my guildies.