Opinions of the Arcane Staff by Albion Online Players

upalbion Date: May/06/16 13:54:59 Views: 2035

The one-handed Arcane Staff far was nice, but didn't really have its unique combat role so far. That's why we made the Arcane Orb now also purge enemy buffs, to give it its own sub role to shine in.




The Enigmatic Staff on the other hand has its role already well defined - but the invulnerability had the problem that it was not getting better at all with increasing tiers. So now, the beam applies a shield that can be outdamaged, and the strength of this shield increases at higher tiers.


Beloow are my opinion and idea for arcane:


1. Arcane Staff


Yeah this staff, for past 3 month and I could say even beta worst arcane of all.


Ability on Q: "Shield", not so good like on other staff but is ok, but after Brutus patch u move our Dmg spell(Frazzle) from Q to W so bad idea, but for holly staf great idea sure but really?


Ability on W:" Motivating Clense: removes harmful effects from ally & grants 46% movement speed for 5s." Nice spell and u can really use it in more mass open pvp if u have more Arcane staffs "Empowering Beam: increase target's damage by +137%" Yeah this is really main spell for all arcane like for pvp so for pve but its still on 137% ftom T4 to T8,6 still same so bad. What You should try do is give on all arcane starting bonus like 110%(from 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) and max bonus 137%(140% would be nice) on max tier like 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 plus some bonus to time like +2-3 sec 5.4 to 8.4 for each tier +1 sec.


"Frazzle: deals 221 damage." Really u think that moving this spell on W was good idea? in my opinion worst idea ever. I never use this spell after Brutus patch.


Ability on E: "Arcane Orb : fires an orb that deals 89 damage & knocks all enemies back 7.45m." by me really good spell for some situacion and some ppl may think its nor really so good but u can really do a lot with it in some pvp fights. And i love u add purges on it right now.


Btw it would be really nice if we had something like energy beam for Q spell here: D or for E spell so Arcane User can tranfer his energy to his party member if needed like "Energy Beam": Take 17 of your energy per sec. and tranfer it to target Player.( chanelling spell for 6 sec. mana cost 40 energy)


2.Arcane Staff 


This staff is no bad not good and its really usefull for mass pvp with more then 10+ ppl but you need really give ppl reason to lvl up like other arcane staff.


Ability on Q:"Shield": ok again so what we got shield which we can cast betwen other spell and again u move Dmg spell from this slot i dont really like u for that.


Ability on W:"Motivating Clense" same like 4, 1 nothig more to say.


"Empowering Beam: increase target's damage by +137%" Yeah this is really main spell for all arcane like for pvp so for pve but its still on 137% ftom T4 to T8,6 still same so bad. What You should try do is give on all arcane starting bonus like 110%(from 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) and max bonus 137%(140% would be nice) on max tier like 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 plus some bonus to time like +2-3 sec 

5.5 to 8.5 for each tier +1 sec.


"Frazzle:" Really u think that moving this spell on W was good idea? in my opinion worst idea ever. i never use this spell after Brutus patch ..



Ability on E: "Power Field: creates a field around caster that grants nearby allies +229 Armor/MR.". This is really nice spell and live it for bigger pvp or even for legend Dungeon if we have more then 1 arcane :) but again it would be great. If u could give us something extra like biger resistence on each tier (like from 4.2 +150 Armor/MR to 8.5 +290 Armor/MR ) or bigger duration for this spell with each tier.


3. Arcane Staff 


Oh and now this staff on which u are doing testing with that new shield , for modeling this staf ussless for bigger fights.


Ability on Q:"Shield": ok again so what we got shield which we can cast betwen other spell and again u move Dmg spell from this slot i dont really like u for that.


Ability on W:"Motivating Clense" same like 4,1 nothig more to say ..


"Empowering Beam: increase target's damage by +137%" Yeah this is really main spell for all arcane like for pvp so for pve but its still on 137% ftom T4 to T8,6 still same so bad. What You should try do is give on all arcane starting bonus like 110%(from 4.1, 4.2, 4.3) and max bonus 137%(140% would be nice) on max tier like 8.4, 8.5 and 8.6 plus some bonus to time like +2-3 sec

5.6 to 8.6 for each tier +1 sec.


"Frazzle:"Really u think that moving this spell on W was good idea? in my opinion worst idea ever. i never use this spell after Brutus patch ..


Ability on E:" Invulnerability: while channeled your target is immune to damage." you want change it to a better Q spell really, I don't think is such good idea. Example if you get targeted by 2 curse staff and u will die even if ur arcane user have 5.6 staff. It would be much better if you just change duration for Invulnerability shield with each tier to be little longer (4.3: 4 sec. --> 8.6: 10 sec.) and still have same effect like before.