Prozerg is the Future of Albion Online Incapacited Death System

upalbion Date: Mar/16/16 09:57:39 Views: 1415

I feel astonished, the future "incapacited death system" means that if you outnumber your opponents, you won't have any casualties... At the moment, outnumbering or as we all like to call it "zerging" is the number 1 winning strat on the game (and I hate zergs ;D), but the casualties was the only threat (and not even a strong one). A zerg could be wiped after 3-4 different fights against other lesser zergs. But with the new cahnges, they won't have any casualties in pvp which create a new law in the game; "bigger your zerg is and closer you get to immortality"...

When you are outnumbered, it is pretrty much the same as now , but you won't be able to finish people in the case you are kitting (which is like 90% of the time) which makes it a prozerg change (and a really awful one in my opinion), even in PvE it will be less risky to zerg dungeons, it is even worse than that, you could never lose a stuff by playing as a zerg all day. The early game economy was destroyed with the non lethality of dungeons, since you could level up without losing your stuff or a tool without never risking to lose it. And now the main part of the game is rewarding zergs for being zergs.


I don't understand what this game is supposed to be at the release, but it looks like that the second beta is going to be a really big mess. The game is supposed to have an entire self regulated economy however the more patches there are and the less people dies in the game and it diminishes the demands of stuff/tools/anything except consumables. This game is or at least was based on dying (which is a good thing in my opinion, death create the economy in this game) and for some reason you are changing it. You are moving slowly but surely towards a standard mmo without hard content, with a non challenging pvp based on zergs...


To finish, the new death system would be a killing blow on my part, since the open pvp will be even worse than now, and even now it is not good... I trust the devs' judgment to make this game better (well I already said that, and I don't know if trust them anymore but lets play the soft card).