The Albion Online Guild Management Tools Needs to be Improved Significantly

upalbion Date: Jun/27/16 00:11:00 Views: 1481

The guild management tools for ao are a joke. This needs to be solved time now. The entire game is centered around guild warfare. It's ridiculous that guilds don't have things like guild banks, custom ranks, customized permissions.




Want another admin who can help you out? For them to have sufficient admin abilities to do anything, they have to be right hand or master of coin. Which also gives them full access to the guild vault.

Need a place for your members to store mats for guild use? You need to give them FULL access to the chests... No in between. No partial access, all or nothing.

The solution is you have your lower members give the mats to higher ranking members whom can then transfer the mats into the chest. This leads to another problem as you'll need at least one high ranking official babysitting the guild chests all day.

Want to keep track of guild spending? There is no ledger, there are no spread sheets of any kind to keep track of any albion online silver going in or out. Hope your right hand isn't embezzling because you'd never know.

There is literally no point in there being a master of coin rank because, there is nothing in the game to support it's duties. An accountant with no ledger and no bookkeeping. Hope he's not embezzling either.

Want to keep track of your guild recruitment? Nope, you have to manually look through the list to look for who is new and who may have been kicked by a salty warmaster. Good luck if you have more than 20 members.

The solution is "then don't promote them to warmaster", yeah but then you have to start all the gvg's yourself and have no ability to empower your members without giving them more power than they need to do their job.

I've played fps games with better guild systems than this. They didn't even need guild cohesion. Hell, clash of clans has a better guild system than this.

I love ao, but your guild system is bare bones. For a game that focuses on guild so much this if not an area that can be put off.

Think about it like this, what happens when a certain weapon gets nerfed? Some players get screwed and may not even play. This will have a slight effect on the population. However, what happens when your guild masters get burned out because Albion didn't support them? Manually doing all the things the game should do for you becomes a job rather than a game. If this is not fixed before launch, the game will have a high influx like in all the betas, then plummet as GM's have to divert more attention to their lives.

When a casual quits, meh they were going to leave anyway.
When a hardcore quits, they'll probably be back after the next big patch.
When a GM quits hundreds are effected, demoralized, and bitter. Recognize the signs, this is important. You're screwing your most influential player base. It's a small number of people, but if they leave the game dies.

Improving them significantly is going to be core focus for us.

In particular, we will be looking into the following areas:
Logging (who took what out of chests, who put in or took out currency from the guild wallet)
Improved rights management, also for the guild wallet
Better stats: sortable guild member list, with activity stats on each player
a web based API
Guild User-Interface and Quality of Life improvements.
Guild mails/notifications

We expect the first significant improvements to be rolled out shortly after release of the game.