What Kind Of Class More Needed In Albion Online Game

upalbion Date: Jun/24/17 10:24:51 Views: 2046

In Albion Online, there are some classes that more suitable for some specific modes.



In this game, your class depends on what you are wearing. And yes, there are healers and tanks because there are some weapons focused on tanking (with some taunt skills for example) and some staffs that have healing abilities!


The holy trinity exists in this game. Tanks and healer are absolutely needed for dungeons. Tanks in small scale PvP can be somewhat substituted but healers can't be. In most cases and in large scale PvP, tanks and healers are an absolute must.


The most popular tanks are currently Heavy Mace, Knight Armor, Knight Boots and Guardian Helmet (Plate Helmet in some cases/preference, upgrade to Demon Helmet if you have a spare 2 mil). This setup is great in PvP and PvE. The only thing that would change is the Heavy Mace, switched to a Flail in large scale PvP but it's not a must and is in the same weapon category as the Heavy Mace so you level both at the same time.


There are less healer than tanks of dps. But the game always need healers while there are always too many DPS players.