Albion Recap And Its Improvement In This New Year

upalbion Date: Jan/07/17 14:56:35 Views: 1437

In the past year, 2016, arguably, Albion Online undergone a lot. Nowly, the game is still in its test phase, nonetheless, a lots of new features was added into the game on a regular basis as well as continually expanding and developing. What's more exciting is that cheap albion online silver for sale



Currently, As noted by post on the official site recaps the five large patches added to the game over the past year, on top of that, included a number of development discussions ans ever-expanding library of game lore. 


Albion Online, gamers all expect to a whole new world, one of the last big steps before the game launches later in 2017. So sit back and enjoy the ride, although "the ride" will include re-leveling once the next patch wipes everything and has you start over.


Hence, in the new year, what need to do? it's worth mentioning that the new patch "Galahad". As the game's next update, at present, it's being worked on now, and the patch is unveiled planned for early 2017. It's said to that Albion Online is launched on March 2017, players can access official website UPAlbion to get more its latest news.