Background Information of the Planned Changes in the Albion Online GvG System

upalbion Date: May/08/16 14:35:52 Views: 2918

The revised GvG system will largely be based on the current system, but with some significant improvements. In this post we want to provide some background information on the planned changes to the GvG system. Please read in conjunction with our post about the world rework.Our goal was to make GvG warfare more exciting and to prevent any exploits/glitches in the system.




Time Slots

  • Time slots are no longer choosable, but pre-defined by the relevant cluster. Each cluster has a time frame of 4 connected hours each day in which GvG fights will happen.
  • We will set the time slots to match with the prime time of the most popular time zones (US-West, US-East, EU/RU and possibly Australia/Oceania). On the overall world map, we will try and somewhat mirror these time zones, for example, such that the West of Albion will correspondong to the US-West timezone, etc). Of course, overall distribution will match the overall distribution of where the players are coming from.
  • If a territory is being attacked, the first available time slot gets taken up first, followed by the second, and so on. So if the prime time in a cluster is from 19:00-23:00, and it has no attacks declared against it, the first attack declared would start at 19:00 the next day, the second, at 20:00, and so on.



  • We will be introducing counter-attacks to - on the one hand - prevent fake attacks and on the other hand, give rise to more exciting confrontations
  • Case I: If your territory is being attacked, and you win as the defender, you can launch a counter-attack against the territory from which the attack came from - immediately. The attack will start at the beginning of the next half hour. I.e. if you got attacked at 19:00 and you defend successfully, your counter-attack would start at 19:30.
  • Case II: If your territory is being attacked, and you lose, and your territory gets conquered, but you have another territory next to it, you can declare a so called "revenge attack" from that territory immediately, in order to re-capture the territory you just lost. The attack will use up a normal defender slot of the territory you just lost. Say your initial territory got attack at 19:00 and you lose it, but the 20:00 defender slot is still vacant. If you have another territory next to the one you just lost, you can declare an attack on it and this attack would then take the 20:00 slot.
  • Case I prevents fake attacks, Case II prevents creating twink guilds to "fake self-attack" territories that you already on in case they get taken by somebody else, thus giving you a "counter-attack".


Siege Camps

  • Siege Camps can only declare 1 attack per day, and they go out of cooldown always at the beginning of prime time.


Energy Barriers

  • With the exception of building territories, territories will generally not have an energy barrier around them, unless there is a GvG fight going on right now.
  • However, the watch towers in return will get an auto-attack against enemy players. Not too powerful, but should make a difference.


Plots/Extractor Buildings

  • There will be open world plots in black zones that can be captured by guilds via an open world process.
  • You can construct extractor buildings (ore mine, lumber camp, etc) on them to create passive resource income
  • Passive income is only created during prime time, and only during prime time can the plot be captured by somebody else via an open world process
  • To capture a plot: place a flag next to it, defend it for 30 minutes.


Other Changes

  • We will remove raid attacks from the game - all attacks will be conquer attacks
  • We will rework the defender bonus. It will become somewhat less important and it will be much harder/impossible to "game it" for an advantage